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Sarman Clothing Brand 2021, What Happen and What is New With The Brand

Sarman Clothing Brand 2021, What Happen and What is New With The Brand - Sarman Fashion - Wholesale Clothing Fashion Brand for Men from Canada

Hi Everyone, it is over a year that we didn't give any news or post about our brand "SARMAN"! It is the perfect time to describe how Covid had affected our business and lives.

The Business is, as usual, we are growing every day and pushing as hard as we can. But like most people know that apparel business is not that easy, it’s more about how badly you want it. People who think it is easy and they can make quick dollars it is a complete lie. 

Some people are asking us for advice on how to start their brand. The first thing we tell them is that if they don't have good capital for the first 5 years of their business then don't start the business. Well, most people get mad when we advise them of this strategy because they think we discourage them instead of motivating them. But we prefer to say the way it is and not put the person on the wrong path and give them wrong hopes. We are not saying this to eliminate our future competition but we advising as we tell our brother or sister who wants to start their business.

So now let’s talk about the positive side of our business, we start selling and shipping all over the world and not only in Canada. 

The Biggest enemy of Sarman is Fraud People. People who try to use other people's credit cards and after 2-3 weeks we get chargebacks and we lose all money and on top of that the Banks charge us additional fees of 15$ for it, which is completely unfair but what can we do. So for those who are trying to fraud us every day please STOP! You are affecting small businesses that trying to get their name out. Please think if someone will do this to you how will you feel. Please let's treat each other like a big family! Plz

The second Big Problem is influences, a lot of people asking us if they can be our ambassadors or influences. In the beginning, we give lots of chances to almost everyone that asked us. But most of The people are taking their fame for granted. They think that they are famous and they can play games. Mostly take our clothes and don't do anything, it's almost the same as stilling from us. They should understand that clothes are not free and we work for them. We have our family to feed and our community to help and they seal from people like us who wish them well! that is not right! Making a swipe up for 24 hours won't hurt anyone and no one will die from it, but people are weird! Most of the time those people have fake followers that they bought and they act like they are Jennifer Lopez or Tom Cruise!

COME ON Guys help a brother, it's just a swipe up! And God is there! one day someone will do the same to you as well. And when it happens don't ask why and how! Most probably you did the same to someone else.

What is good is that we are growing slow by slow. We are meeting great customers every single day. To be honest our customers are the best! We have clients that order just because they want us to succeed! They give us also lots of advice's on our next collections by giving us comments on how to improve! Some models that are pre-sale loyal customers texting us and telling us what would they do to improve the look of it! Most of the time we listen and it ends up being a top sale design. We appreciate a lot for their ideas and comments.

We also tried to enter a few stores to sell our clothes but with Covid, most of the stores are suffering now and they don't have the cash flow to invest in new products and resell them for us so we are on our own for now!

As business partners, we have great manufacture by our side. The Owner's name is Ersin who is a talented guy and who has lots of potential in fashion and helps us to succeed. He falls in love with our Brand name and now he even giving us a little more time to pay our orders and sometimes he offers his professional ideas to add or that go well with the new design. He became like a little cousin you always wanted! lol, We promise him 10% of Shareholders when we start reaching 100k sales per month.

Alex, our model, next big move is that he is moving to Turkey for few months to create great content with a nice view! These days Content is everything! The risk is high because he is leaving everything behind for a dream! We stress a lot because he is giving up on his apartment in Moscow and leaving all belonging behind and starting all over in another country!

Something We hate to hear from people! As everyone knows in fashion there are lots of successful Gay people and most famous brand owners are gay which, we are proud of it and we love seeing people succeed in the fashion domain because they are passionate! But what we hate is lots of people telling us we won't succeed because we are not gay men and that in fashion only gay men succeed! To be honest we have nothing against anyone but when people generalizing it, it not motivating us! Our Brand welcome's anyone who loves what we are doing! We stand for freedom of choice. Everyone must have equal rights to their achievements.

We are pro-life people and wish all the best to anyone who comes our way, (Black, White, Asian, Gay, Muslim, Transgender, or even aliens) as long as you see our vision and love what we create we are welcoming you with open arms and Love!

With everything happening around the world it is the time we stop all hate and learn to love one another again!

In The End, Love is everything!

Don't forget about our parents who had given everything for our love!


On That, We Wish you all the best and we hope we didn't offend anyone. If we did please forgive us we didn't mean it! We are just sharing our love, supports, ideas, and story.


This Blog is just a little journey of our life and our experiences in this world!.