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Why Alex Moved To Turkey

Why Alex Moved To Turkey - Sarman Fashion - Wholesale Clothing Fashion Brand for Men from Canada

Hi Everyone! Things are happening fast here at SARMAN so I wanted to give you an update on recent events and how they are focused on YOU, the members of the SARMAN family.

As I mentioned last time, Alex has landed in Turkey! He’s starting the process of getting established – finding a place to live, buying a car, and learning a new language. He left a good life in Moscow (both he and his girlfriend " Ksenya") to move to Turkey. You may be wondering why would SARMAN relocate half of the company by 1,795 kilometers (1,115 miles).

At SARMAN, our vision and passion have always been to provide you with the most comfortable, stylish, high-quality activewear available on Planet Earth. We believe that when you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you do good. We love Canada (our home base) and Russia (Alex’s home), but to fulfill our passion, we look past our horizons to find the best of everything to put into the brand SARMAN. Turkey is known for fashion and is a world leader in garment manufacturing. So we established our production in Turkey. We could have our products produced cheaper in other parts of the world (I won’t name those places... you know who you are!) but we wanted to work with the best. If you want to be the best, you have to work with the best.

Our production team in Turkey is great, but we found we couldn’t build the SARMAN we were passionate about without being closer to production (you can’t do this business long distance), so Alex uprooted his established life in Moscow to move to Turkey. His girlfriend is very supportive of him and SARMAN. She takes wonderful pictures and videos of him that you see every day showing the SARMAN fashion. The couple embodies the SARMAN spirit – passionately living and caring for those we love. Risking everything for their passion that is SARMAN. It’s scary to risk everything, but when you are passionate about something you take that step rather than shrink back in fear. Fear paralyzes us, but if we never risk we stay the same. It’s exciting to sacrifice everything for the one thing you are passionate about. Remember, “if you don't risk you don't drink champagne.”

Alex has been warmly welcomed by the Turkish people. He has much yet to see but has so far been able to enjoy the great food, great beaches, and great hospitality of the Turkish people. You will be seeing awesome pictures and videos from Turkey. He has much to do to continue to improve the SARMAN brand. We want to improve each time we make something new! By being closer to production, Alex will ensure that the production details meet the high standards of SARMAN. He will be seeking out new materials, new fashion designs, new business partners, and new ways for SARMAN to reach the vision of being the number one fashion company in the world. Big dreams lead to big victories!

So that is an update on what is happening at SARMAN. We will keep you informed. Watch our website and social media for updates and posts about new garments, and Alex learning to live in Turkey. We THANK YOU all for buying our products, for suggesting improvements to the brand, for being part of this wonderful community and family that is SARMAN! SARMAN is more than a shirt! We are excited about what is happening at SARMAN – we hope your lives are filled with excitement, loved ones, and realized dreams as well. Please reach out to us... we love to hear from you. Alex and I are cousins by birth, but we consider all of you who support this brand cousin as well!

Love passionately. Live passionately. Care passionately for those you love.

SARMAN --- Born for This Moment.